
We believe that the greatest need of all mankind is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To that end the Gospel remains central and foremost in all of Mission: Haiti's endeavors.
Even with political, economic, and social upheaval in Haiti, we can still conduct medical clinics. The need for these clinics is very great. We do this by employing Haitian nurses for a day or two during our clinic. Under the direction of our Field Director, Lophane Laurent, our local nurses serve the community in a much needed way.
Community Health Outreach is designed to not only treat those who are ill but to teach families and communities how to take better care of themselves. At each location the team visits there are special workshops. One for expectant mothers, taught by a nurse and certified midwife, prepares them for healthier childbirth and after-care for the mother. One for nursing mothers discusses infant care nutrition and does well-baby checks. A third teaches nutrition to families talking about healthy food choices, the importance of clean water, basic hygiene, and how to avoid cholera.
Often, the team discovers chronic illness and conditions that can be treated in Haiti with a little financial assistance. Those are referred to local doctors or hospitals that can follow up with patients to assure the best possible patient outcome.
The Community Health Outreach is also the best opportunity to get to know each community, understand their needs and find at risk children and families that may be helped by other programs we offer, such as micro-grants for business, goat herd co-operatives or chicken flocks or educational assistance or skill training.
During the pregnancy/delivery workshops, a layette is handed out to each mother. (All of these items are donated.)
Layettes include:
4 cloth diapers
1 blanket
2 onesies
1 pair of socks
1 baby hat
Clean Birth Kits
During the pregnancy/delivery workshops, each women is given a clean birth kit which consists of instructions, 1 bar of soap, 1 razor blade, string, 2 sterile alcohol pads, 1 ultra absorbent pad, 2 pairs of medical grade rubber gloves, and 2 diaper pins. (All of these items are donated with the exception of the soap. We purchase the soap from locally in Haiti so as to help stimulate the economy.)